Symantec Report Shows 82% Of Social Media Attacks Are Fake Offerings

The monthly Symantec Intelligence Report identifies their latest analysis of the security landscape concerning malware, spam, and other cyber threats. There are several interesting facts identified in this report.

Oct 07, 2013

Summary of Global Phishing Survey 1H 2013

This reports addresses phishing trends and underscores the significance of phishing by quantifying the scope of the global phishing problem. In this report, the APWG exam

Sep 30, 2013

Phishing Activity Trends Summary 2013

The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) Phishing Activity Trends Report 2013 analyzes phishing attacks reported to the APWG by its member companies, its Global Research Partners, through the organization’s website and by e-mail submissions. The APWG also measures

Sep 24, 2013

White Box Or Black Box For Social Engineering Testing?

When conducting social engineering testing as part of an audit or security assessment, should the client provide a listing of employees to test? Doing so is generally termed white box testing, as detailed information is provided to the auditor. The term “white box testing” was ori

Sep 03, 2013

Social Engineering Attacks Are A Significant Business Risk

Social engineering attacks, or attacks on the human component of security, are a significant threat to businesses. With the proliferation of online tools and resources or attackers, the threat continues to grow. Although a business can sp

Aug 27, 2013

Cybercrime Victimization Rates Vary Between 1 And 17 Percent

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime was tasked with conducting a comprehensive study of the problem of cybercrime. The study, Comprehensive Study on Cybercrime, was conducted from February

Aug 20, 2013

Are We Entering The Fourth Great Era Of Digital Crime?

BAE Systems Detica commissioned a report, Organized Crime In The Digital Age, by the John Grieve Centre for Policing and Security at London Metropolitan University to look in detail at the structure of organized digital crime

Aug 13, 2013

Cisco Research On Targeted Phishing Attacks

Cisco research on targeted phishing attacks explains why email remains the primary attack vector for cyber criminals.

Jul 23, 2013

Survey of IT Professionals Social Engineering Risks

In 2011, Dimensional Research and Check Point conducted a survey of IT Professionals on The Risk Of Social Engineering On Information Security. The report provides some key insights into security professionals concerns related to social engineering risks and what they are doing about such threats.

Jul 23, 2013