PhishingBox Featured in Cybersecurity Awareness News Coverage

Cyber attacks are on the rise. PhishingBox recently sat down with WKYT, the CBS affiliate in Lexington, Kentucky, to discuss the alarming trend of successful attacks and provide expert advice on how to avoid becoming part of a bad statstic.

Nov 03, 2022

Crafting a Solid Security Awareness Training Program

As the world continues to deal with COVID-19 remote work has exploded to become a new normal for many industries. This new normal presents exciting possibilities for workers yet exposes them to critical security gaps as employees let their guards down when working remotely.

Apr 19, 2021

New & Updated Phishing Email Templates

Over the past few weeks, we have been overhauling our phishing email template library. We've sorted through the library and organized our templates based on attack type and difficulty.

Mar 15, 2021